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Community rules

Welcome to our  Fanlify social network, where you can share your best photos! We aim to provide a safe, friendly, and inspiring environment for all users.

Community Guidelines for the  Fanlify

Welcome to our  Fanlify social network, where you can share your best photos! We aim to provide a safe, friendly, and inspiring environment for all users. To make the most of your experience in sharing photos and viewing others' snapshots, please follow the following community guidelines:


 1. Respect other users: 

   - Do not use offensive, racist, inappropriate, or derogatory language.

   - Do not engage in bullying, defamation, or cyberbullying.


 2. Share only your own photos: 

   - Share only photos you have taken yourself or have the rights to share.

   - Do not violate copyrights or third-party rights.


 3. Maintain dignity and decency: 

   - Do not publish content that could be considered inappropriate, vulgar, or sexually explicit.

   - Do not post photos containing violence or any form of illegal activity.


 4. Appreciate diversity and inclusion: 

   - Respect the diversity and inclusion within our community.

   - Do not support content that promotes hatred or discrimination based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or any other attribute.


 5. Be considerate of privacy: 

   - Do not disclose other users' personal information without their consent.

   - If you share photos of other people, ensure you have their permission.


 6. Keep the community safe: 

   - Report inappropriate or suspicious content to the administrators.

   - Do not use our platform to spread unwanted advertisements or spam.


 7. Share inspiration and positivity: 

   - Share positive and inspiring content that can bring joy and new ideas to others.

   - Support and praise other users for their snapshots.


Violation of these guidelines may result in the removal of content or restrictions on your access to our platform. Repeated violations may lead to a permanent ban on your account.


Thank you for being a part of our community and helping create a positive and respectful environment for all users. Share your beautiful photos with us and be inspired by others' shots!

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